Workday Features
Workday Reports and Dashboards
Workday provides faculty and staff with real-time information to make more informed decisions directly within the BisonHub powered by Workday system. The data can be displayed in a report and exported if desired. The data can also be displayed on an interactive dashboard including graphs and charts to enhance the user’s experience and viewing.
Workday Mobile Application
BisonHub powered by Workday is on-the-go! Workday offers a mobile application for users that includes many of the same functionalities as the desktop application. Faculty and staff are encouraged to download the Workday mobile application today!
Workday Security
Everything that an end-user can view and do in BisonHub is driven by the individual's role and the University and the related security permissions they need to complete the requirements of their position. Security is a critical component of BisonHub as it not only supports the end-user experience but also protects our employee and student data.